Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dr. Feng speaking on Women's Health at Banner Baywoond June 26th

On June 26th from 6pm to 8pm Dr. Feng will be speaking at Banner Baywood Medical Center (6644 E. Baywood Ave., Mesa) on Women’s Health as part of their Spirit of Women seminar series.

“Do you move through life with energy and enthusiasm...or aches and pains?

Problems affecting the major joints of the body like the spine, shoulders, hips and knees can cause persistent pain, interfere with daily living and restful sleep, and develop into more serious problems which can become difficult and complicated to treat.

The seminars will emphasize awareness of risk factors, how to tell if the pain is related to a manageable muscular issue or a serious problem, when to seek medical help and what participants themselves can do, including what they can eat, to fortify their bones. Rest, heat and cold, physical therapy exercises, and simple to sophisticated pain relief methods will be presented, as will traditional and minimally invasive techniques for the minority who may require surgical intervention. All those in attendance will also receive some real recipes that they can cook up at home with ingredients that fortify their bones as they enjoy indulging in them.

Join our medical experts as they help you to “Fortify Your Bones” at our upcoming Spirit of Women seminars.”

Register by calling, (602) 230-CARE (2273). Seminars are free. Seating is limited.


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